Singing Guide: Keb' Mo'

Singing Guide: Keb' Mo'

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Keb’ Mo’ is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. His music is a mix of blues, folk, and country, and he sings with a soulful, down-to-earth style. If you want to learn to sing like Keb’ Mo’, there are a few things you can do.

First, listen to his music closely. Notice how he uses his voice - the tone, the phrasing, and the emotion behind it. Pay attention to the lyrics and how he delivers them. Try to sing along with his songs to get a feel for his style.

Keb’ Mo’ has a unique vocal technique that is both smooth and expressive. He often uses a “crooning” style of singing, which involves smooth, flowing phrases and a relaxed, laid-back delivery. He also emphasizes phrasing and dynamics, giving his vocals a lot of depth and emotion.

To learn to sing like Keb’ Mo’, focus on improving your vocal technique. Start with the basics, such as proper breath support and posture, and work on developing a smooth, natural tone. Practice scales and exercises to improve your range and pitch accuracy. You can use tools like Singing Carrots’ vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and pitch monitor to track your progress.

To develop Keb’ Mo’s vocal style, focus on phrasing and dynamics. Experiment with different approaches to rhythm and timing, and try to deliver each phrase with the right timing and expression. You can work on this by practicing songs in different keys and tempos, and by using tools like Singing Carrots’ pitch training exercises.

Finally, explore Keb’ Mo’s music to find songs that showcase his vocal technique. Some great examples to try include “Just Like You”, “Am I Wrong”, and “Suitcase”. Singing Carrots’ song search tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range and style preference.

In summary, to learn to sing like Keb’ Mo’, listen closely to his music, focus on improving your vocal technique, work on phrasing and dynamics, and find songs that showcase his vocal style. Use Singing Carrots’ resources to track your progress and find new songs to practice with. With time and practice, you can develop a smooth, soulful vocal style like Keb’ Mo’s. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.